Stan has been gone for 8 months now and my life is different. Grief remains present and will for a long while if not permanently while .Dr Elisabeth Kübler-Ross presents the stages of grief many have come to believe that this is linear process, without further study
Her ideas, notably the five stages of grief model (denial, anger, bargaining, depression, acceptance), are transferable to varying degrees and in different ways, to personal change and emotional upset resulting from factors other than death and dying. See for example John Fisher's Personal Transition Theory.
Yes the stages of grief exist and are real challenges in life. However there are no real patterns to the process. if you were to draw the process of grief it would resemble a massive scribble, with movements every which direction.
My life is completely changed from what it was less that an year ago. My dreams and visions of the future are reshaping as the days go by. I am optimistic that there is much more to come as in opportunities, new friends to make and new things to learn. I am actively seeking new opportunities for involvement and in constructive. way. there was definitely an opportunity to slip back into the depressive life that held me captive for so long, many years ago. I understood that was a real threat, PRAYER and logic certainly helped keep that at bay, along with a knowledgeable grief counselor.
So what is next? I am not certain, I am retiring from my current job. I know will need to do something else to supplement my retirement income to be comfortable. It is so very scary--entering into an entire new world of expectations, options and opportunities. This is that point at which this must be given to God, to guide my mind, open my ears to really hear the world, eyes to really see the truth in frontLife Changes, Grief Changes Everything Changes of me and a heart that is open, loving and accepting.
So here I am, praying with a hopefully open heart for guidance. I starting an other stage of life with more things to accomplish and a willingness to follow HIM.
Remember grief is personal. do not let others tell you differently.