Friday, August 18, 2017

Some doors must be closed

As I approached Dayton last evening I was struck once again by the beauty of the land.  In 1971 with Gregg safely in ha car seat we started a new life in Ohio.  We were young, hopeful and ready for a new world.  Dayton ,actually Huber Heights proved to be a multitude of life experiences.  There was great love and joy. There was great pain, tears and loss. There was learning and changing as well.  The years have changed the landscape in some ways but the memory of that first sight brought a smile albeit a wistful one, and I was aware that with the exception of only three or four people my years in this area are gone and locked away.  I cherish the positive and wonderful memories but the remainder is locked up. I can't change those bad years, yet neither do I need to relive them. The lessons learned have served well and that is all that is necessary.  I do not and will not entertain negativity or bitterness in my world. I lave learned that being with positive people brings positivity and joy.  So some doors must close and stay closed.
Life is to be lived productively and it can't be done if you are in negative surroundings.
Be peaceful, pray and celebrate life.