We have all learned the seasons of Life.
Spring is the beginning, being born, learning to walk, talk and navigate the world. These are called the formative years. These are the years that can shape our lives forever if we are not vigilant and aware of what influenced us as we grew.
These years we learn about life, love and the world.
Summer in my world was the time when I first married, had my children and began a life as what some would call an adult. Growth, learning continues during these years and our families mature along with us, we hope.
Autumn comes next and can also be described a later middle age or something like that. during these years we have settled, our children are grown and we may become grandparents.
Winter comes last in the series, or does it? I prefer to think of each season as a staging for the next and I do blieve that there is more to come. However I am learning that there are many who feel each season is defined in terms of years. I do not believe that because in each and every decade of my life I have continued to learn to walk and talk with some difference.
Winter offers the ability to really grow, if we are open to hearing and seeing what is there to embrace. We have lost some of the timidity of youth, we have laready made mistakes so bad we thought not one person would ever love us again and we continue to be surpirsed by the
of other people and for many of us by the absolute and unconditional love of God.
I had a dream as a child, it has been replaced by new dreams, and new possibilities and perhaps someone will read this and share my optomism about what life continues to offer.
I believe in the good, I can see the bad and the ugly but I also believe that the Love prevails.
More to come
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