Monday, February 14, 2011

Furry Friends and such

Friendship is indeed a treasure.  I view it as a gift from God. Friends offer love without an expectation of a payback.  It does not mean they do not expect to be treated in a certain way, like with respect, care and trust.  It does mean that you do things for them and they do things for you without an "I O U". 

The other type of friends we have are our four legged friends, and the same conditions exist.  My pets keep me warm at night, they also have been known to hog the bed.  Cork will run to the bed if I say nap.  As far as I know to him this means he will cuddle up with me, get his head and belly rubbed and will then sleep.  Pets sleep a lot and it is our job to provide them with a comfortable place to sleep that is safe.  The cat has a bed in the closet, where she is free from the doggies and has absolute domain, of course as the cat she pretty much does whatever she wishes anyway. She will walk across the sofa, my lap and whatever or whoever is in that space and leap on Stan's lap. She will grace him with her presence for varied amounts of time.  If the mood strikes her, she will head butt me to scratch her head and will hiss at the dogs from time to time just to let them know that they are not on her approved list.

I do know that when I am sad a furry creature can snap me out of it, the trusting look and wagging tail just ooze happiness and caring.  As I am writing this one dog is at my feet, snoring like a chain saw and the other is behind my chair sleeping as well.  The queen cat is perched on the sofa back and all is well with my world

The furry creatures bring happiness, love trust and a sense of calm to my soul.

I have been blessed.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Memories of a Time Past

The unexpected death of another old friend took me back to my seventeenth summer.  The times were different then but the thoughts of him and those I remember around us are more than happy memories.  Memories of a promise of what life could bring and a sweet innocent belief in life and people.  We spent many days that summer splashing around like young otters at the sand pit in Oshkosh or the forbidden quarry.  Playing games and having fun, boys and girls on the brink of adulthood but not there.  This was the summer of my first real glimpse of love, I remember that boy pulling me under the water, splashing me and eventually kissing me. It was tentative and sweet.  I can vividly recall those thick wonderful eyelashes, and the eyes of an unfathomable color, looking so intently into my eyes.  I learned that it can feel like someone is looking into you soul and can burn a spot on your heart.  That tender and loving look remains in my memory bank, not a memory of longing, regret or anything more than a happy and wonderful memory of a first love.
I can almost feel the warmth of that summer sun, and that boy/man will forever remain in my heart as one who did teach me to love.  It was a part of who I am now, a wonderful part that can still bring a smile and warmth even all these years later.  We were so innocent then, this boy went on to the Marines, became a father and husband and died all to soon, but he did bring joy, love and hope to many in his short life, and this includes me.

Now the death of another of that group saddens me but he too brought joy and love to many and will never die in our hearts or memories.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Winter Beautiful or Not

I awakened today to sheets of ice everywhere, of course I was not alone.  This whole part of Ohio is coated with ice,  It is beautiful, the shapes and shimmering icicles on the the trees are marvels of nature and fascinate me.  I walked gingerly with the dogs this afternoon and realized the beauty is dangerous.  The shimmering sheets of ice are of course slippery and two frisky dogs constitutes a hazard of its own.  The ice slowed them down to a manageable pace but continues to fascinate me. 

Watching them choose their steps and look suspiciously at the snow/ice or snice and back up when they sink or it cracks under their weight.  I learned that the heel first worked well to plant myself firmly on the earth in an upright position.  This how I wished to remain, I watched a few people doing the sprawl form my window earlier.  This does not look like fun.

The truth of the matter is that 30 years ago I would have been out with my camera and now I am concerned with things like broken legs and or hips.  Change and age have forced me to consider a safer route.

So for now I will be content to sit out this winter storm with only one photo that I liked and drink my tea and play with the dogs inside

The luxury of having the time to contemplate this is a gift and I know I am Blessed.