Sunday, March 27, 2011

My Life's Investments, Gregg and Jason

The best accomplishment in my life is my children.

They are truly accomplishments.  They are not rich, fameous rather they are increbible friends, honroable men and fiercely loyal to thier own bleiefs.  Gregg is a teriffic Dad and both have become thier own men in thier own ways.

These two men are vastly different in thier lives in an outward manner.  They live thousands of miles apart and lead totally different life styles.  Yet they share a fierce love and loyalty for each other and share that loyalty for friends and family. 

TO say I am proud of them is a gross understatement. I was never a paragon of ideal parent.  I struggled with my own personal demons for years as a single parent, yet thought the Grace of God and the prayers of many people known and unknown kept us together and from any major disasters.

I do know that my love for them never wavered, nor did my belief it their ability to be first class people.

They value friendship and this is demonstrated by the long term friends they have, when I lost a friend of 50 + years , I realized they are both on their way to this kind of relationships.  I did not teach them this, but they both seem to understand  the value of people. 

They are caring and kind.  They will both think this is sappy but perhaps secretly think it is sort of OK, but I am proud of them and  feel that they make a difference in our world in a positive way, a little bit each and every day.

I am Blessed and they are indeed my best work. 

I will write later about my amazing Step Children, I am equally proud of them, thier Mom as a single Mom has done an amazing job as well. 

single Moms have a tough road to navigate, but many of us guided by God suceed beyond our dreams. God is there each and every day, we need only to listen,  

More on the this later

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