Returning to Trust

In my own life I well know how hard it is for me to trust that I am loved, and to trust that the intimacy I most crave is there for me. I most often live as if I have to earn love, do something noteworthy, and then perhaps I might get something in return. This attitude touches the whole question of what is called in the spiritual life, the "first love." Do I really believe that I am loved first, independent of what I do or what I accomplish? This is an important question because as long as I think that what I most need I have to earn, deserve and collect by hard work, I will never get what I most need and desire, which is a love that cannot be earned, but that is freely given. Thus, my return is my willingness to renounce such thoughts and to choose to live more and more from my
true identity as a cherished
child of God.
This struck a definite cord within me and I willcomment on this topic later this week. Feeling loved and undeersanding that weare loved is a complicated human thing. God does love us unconditionally but accepting ourselves as loveable is a true challenge.
I shall come back to this later this week, but wanted to think this over before furher dialog.
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