Monday, May 1, 2023

The Winter of Life is Not for Sissys Loving One's Self

growing older is definitely a priviledge. Far too many people I knew did not get this opportunity. This is simply a fact and aging if we are is a priviledge. This weekend I heard Bishop Michael Curry deliver a consecration message and as many of his refelctions are, it was centered on Love. We are called to Love one Another, all others!. the others needs to remind us that includes loving ourselves. John 13:34-35 4 A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another. 35 By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another. Luke 6:35 - But love ye your enemies, and do good, and lend, hoping for nothing again; and your reward shall be great, and ye shall be the children of the Highest: for he is kind unto the unthankful and to the evil. I need to love myself more to make better choices and decisions. I am in a season of life that consists of many more LASTS than FIRSTS. This is not a time to give up trying new things by any means, it does mean adjusting our expectations of what we can do. I wanted to ski the Alps as a young woman, that advanced to visit the Alps and now I watch videos. I do realistically believe I will be not able to personally see the Apls or Tahaiti. I can do armchair visits and technology allows me to do this. I make frequent road trips and because of the lengths of these trips, people often ask me How?, Why? and when I ansewer "because I can," I am not being disinguine in any way. I fully realize that somtime in the future, driving thousands of miles will not be possible for me. I will drive and thrive as long as I can. There will be an end to this skill. It is a natural progression of how aging works. I need to love myself and othes enough to keep trying, learning and growing. Yes, growing! I can't do some things i used to do, but i can still try new things, things that are doable with my aging physical self. Walking, instead ot hiking-I can drive to trails and explore to my ability. I do not have to do the difficult trails to enjoy the beauth and peace of nature. Reading new books, discussions, new groups. Signing up for a new class, attend a Y or Senior center actvity, I have made new friends each year and it requires reaching out or going new places. Big secret, I do not like going into new situations, I am afraid of them. I do make myself try new situations. Guess what? Once there, I remind myself everyone was once a stranger. Yes, there are cliques and many groups do not welcome new people because change is hard for them. Be the change, find your own group, volunteer, new epxeriences and new friends are right there. This is beginning to sound like like a downer,it really is not. Change is hard for some. Be the change, find your own group, volunteer, new experiences, and new friends are right there. Aging is not a picnic, but it is a new experience. none of us has ever been this age before. I embrace making the most of it. Mobile meditation is something I have embraced since Covid. I spent many hours driving and finding places that appealed to me where I could take photos, meditate, and just revel in the beauty of our Created world. I frequently return to the same places, because as I learned as a child there will be something new each time I visit, if I but look. None of us know how long we will physically be here, but as I age the reality passing into the next life seems more eminent. This tells me to live and learn. Nowhere have I ever heard that getting older means you should sit and wait. Getting older is a challenge, it requires effort and resilience. We are told to love one another, love ourselves and do the work we are here to do. So today, 1 May 2023 it is snowing, and I WILL try to love it. Grudgingly! The Winter of Life is Not for Sissy’s and here in Wisconsin it is tenacious.

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