Saturday, September 4, 2010

Is Apathy a killer without a cure?

Science may have found a cure for most evils, but it has not found a cure for the worst of them all, the apathy of human beings. Helen Keller

How many times do you say "I don't care"?

I hear myself saying it when asked what do you want to eat? Where do you want to go? and on and on, the thing is I really do care. I do have opinions and thoughts on even the most mundane questions, however over time I have developed the art of being agreeable. Or is it learned apathy.

We can cure horrendous diseased but do we have a cure for apathy? The human mind can do many things but I really believe that we train ourselves into states of apathy. We don't want to rock the boat, or is my case I was brought up in a culture where being too assertive was called "bossy", thence comes the "I don't care". I am learning to try to express my opinions without sounding "bossy" or too assertive. It is a battle that I struggle with to keep peace with myself.

Given these mundane little apathy's , what is the larger picture? Do we compromise ourselves in more important areas. Do we keep our valid opinions to ourselves in the interest of keeping the peace. Do we avoid controversy and then later wonder why we did?

These questions haunt me from when I am guilty of keeping silence. It serves no useful purpose for me to retrospectively review what I should have said or done. In fact that is a genuine waste of time. It is no more useful than reliving the past. The past is over and done and cannot be changed. The same applies to the words not spoken. We cannot bring back the time, nor can we change what we have not said or done.

I do not want to spend the remainder of my life regretting things I could have changed, made better or enjoyed more because I did not speak up or act on the opportunity.

My prayer is
Lord bring me into the present
Grant me the gift to live here and now
To see and hear life
To be able to respond to those in need
To share my gifts in a manner that benefits others and pleases you
Promote my dreams and give me the courage to
Risk stepping up and out and live in this world for you
Now and always


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