Life is definitely too short to miss opportunities, today I boarded NJ Transit and went to Penn Station in NYC. I have never been there before and I do admit that I faltered a little this morning by procrastinating a bit.
I got off the train and was bombarded by a sea of people, some young, some old. There were excited faces, weary faces and frankly mean faces. I figured out how to get to the street, and while veteran commuters will scoff at this I can see how this could be daunting. This is not happening in slow motion and you have to be aware of how others are moving, unless you want to wind up in the wrong place or perhaps squashed.
The sounds are intense and varied, cars sirens, many language's all in their own special symphony. The smells are what I will remember in my dreams. Chestnuts and other nuts roasting, hot dogs, chicken and of course the bakeries. I wound around so many different kinds of things while I made my way towards times square that had it not been so very crowded I would have been standing still with my mouth open in awe.
I admired the window displays, found Times Square and eventually Rockefeller Center and the Tree.
Skaters, with Santa on the ice, elves everywhere and more sounds and smells.
I saw a woman buying a "designer bag" from a canvas sack, shared my roasted chestnuts with a stranger and kept walking. Broadway, fascinated me with the posters and vendors everywhere. I didn't expect the carnival atmosphere that I previously associated with tropical islands at ports of call.
Tee shirts, souvenirs, and hawkers everywhere
I know now that a previous desire to want to be in Times Square for New Years Eve, is best left as a wish and replaced with a new activity. It was difficult to move as it was today with sightseers and shoppers, my imagination of this event boggled my mind and I know it is best left to bee seen on TV.
I walked for a little over four hours, without really stopping, there was no place to perch and no real way to stop. I didn't want to stop either, I just kept looking and absorbing. It was a great afternoon and next time I will have a plan to see some specific things. Today I looked, listened and absorbed.
I am glad I ventured out, tried something way out of my comfort zone, well it was, not now, I will go back. I may put off another walking trip until Spring but with the number of people it was impossible to be cold.
Now to rest, and remember I am not a Sissy
Life is an adventure, getting older IS NOT AN EXCUSE to cease growing, there is MORE to learn
Saturday, December 17, 2011
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
New Place New Things, No One is Ever Too Old NOT ME
I am totally puzzled about this thing called aging. I am a kinder gentler version of the person I was at 25, however what has not and will probably never change is my inquisitive nature.
Many of our friends and peers are retiring and it doesn't seem like the right thing to be doing when there is so much more to do, see, and learn. I see something and want to know more, see more etc. etc.
Given all of that and the fact that I still feel like I am thirty mentally, I have started a new venture. I am working in New Jersey for the next few months as a consultant. I have been an operating room nurse, worked in management and that is what I am sharing.
I have never been in New Jersey before. I arrived on Saturday afternoon and after finally getting out of the rat's maze of roads around Newark airport made my way to Somerset, where I shall stay for the next few months. (I will go home every other weekend, and for Christmas)
I thought the rat's maze around the airport would make me crazy, but once I was on the road I found the same drivers in New Jersey that I have observed in MS,OH, AL,FL. SC, and WI. OK, maybe there were some worse ones in FL. I Will say no more about the drivers, I have managed to find my way around and in reasonable time. I will do a Garmin advertisement at any time, from now on.
On Sunday I ventured off to Princeton to go to church. I googled churches and found that one. It was really a great experience and I will be going back. I loved the setting the sermon and the people.
I spent the rest of the day exploring the area around Princeton and could picture my friend Peg and I going around looking a the architecture and shops. It is the sort of place we both love. I found myself recalling odd bits of old history lessons as I drove around. I didn't expect to find so much country. The landscape is lovely and I am imagining what the spring will bring. I surmise that winter will be beautiful as well.
The working environment is exactly what is expeceted, The peoples faces are different, like the drivers the personalities and behaviors are the same, the people I will be working with are really nice.
This part of my adventure is somewhat predictable, as much as an Operating room can be predictable.
I will attempt to see as much of the area as I can, this is going to be a stretch for me because I am here alone and I do intend to go into NYC this weekend to see the tree in Times Square and do some simple walking in the city. I have only use public transit in San Francisco/ Oalkand in the past. Growing up in the Midwest there is not much mass transit and Alabama, MS etc did not offer much in that line either. I am working though being terrified and am not at a nervous level and hopefully by the weekend I will have garnered enough bravado to venture on.
I don't know if this is foolish or not but I certainly will not learn much about the area sitting in the hotel, so off I will go.
I will look forward to seeing more of this, refreshing my memory of the history of the area. Maybe I will learn more and actually get braver.
The point of all of this stuff is that I was told that "at my age" I am too old to travel around alone, and start a new carer venture?"
Who ever said there is an age limit on exploration, learning or adventure?
Many of our friends and peers are retiring and it doesn't seem like the right thing to be doing when there is so much more to do, see, and learn. I see something and want to know more, see more etc. etc.
Given all of that and the fact that I still feel like I am thirty mentally, I have started a new venture. I am working in New Jersey for the next few months as a consultant. I have been an operating room nurse, worked in management and that is what I am sharing.
I have never been in New Jersey before. I arrived on Saturday afternoon and after finally getting out of the rat's maze of roads around Newark airport made my way to Somerset, where I shall stay for the next few months. (I will go home every other weekend, and for Christmas)
I thought the rat's maze around the airport would make me crazy, but once I was on the road I found the same drivers in New Jersey that I have observed in MS,OH, AL,FL. SC, and WI. OK, maybe there were some worse ones in FL. I Will say no more about the drivers, I have managed to find my way around and in reasonable time. I will do a Garmin advertisement at any time, from now on.
On Sunday I ventured off to Princeton to go to church. I googled churches and found that one. It was really a great experience and I will be going back. I loved the setting the sermon and the people.
I spent the rest of the day exploring the area around Princeton and could picture my friend Peg and I going around looking a the architecture and shops. It is the sort of place we both love. I found myself recalling odd bits of old history lessons as I drove around. I didn't expect to find so much country. The landscape is lovely and I am imagining what the spring will bring. I surmise that winter will be beautiful as well.
The working environment is exactly what is expeceted, The peoples faces are different, like the drivers the personalities and behaviors are the same, the people I will be working with are really nice.
This part of my adventure is somewhat predictable, as much as an Operating room can be predictable.
I will attempt to see as much of the area as I can, this is going to be a stretch for me because I am here alone and I do intend to go into NYC this weekend to see the tree in Times Square and do some simple walking in the city. I have only use public transit in San Francisco/ Oalkand in the past. Growing up in the Midwest there is not much mass transit and Alabama, MS etc did not offer much in that line either. I am working though being terrified and am not at a nervous level and hopefully by the weekend I will have garnered enough bravado to venture on.
I don't know if this is foolish or not but I certainly will not learn much about the area sitting in the hotel, so off I will go.
I will look forward to seeing more of this, refreshing my memory of the history of the area. Maybe I will learn more and actually get braver.
The point of all of this stuff is that I was told that "at my age" I am too old to travel around alone, and start a new carer venture?"
Who ever said there is an age limit on exploration, learning or adventure?
Monday, September 12, 2011
Walk Through Your Fear, You are not getting any younger.
"It's been proven that the only effective way to deal with fear is to walk through it, through the pain that accompanies doing something you're afraid to do. It takes courage to fulfill your commitments, courage to stay on track, courage to follow your dreams, courage to reach your goals, and courage to walk through your fear. Remember, reaching goals is not so much about doing big things when the feeling hits you; it's more about doing little things every day that move you toward your dream. It's about staying steady and on course." ~Francine Ward Quotation is from: Esteemable Acts: 10 Actions for Building Real Self-Esteem I remember landing in San Jose and having my son tell me I would need to take a train to the BART, and then and then. I an older person that had never used public transit in my life, well I pulled up my panties, found the bus that took me to the BART and I got to San Francisco, met some great people on the rides and left CA, an experience rider on their transit system, including the really fun cable cars. I could not tell my son I was afraid, he forced my hand. There have certainly been other things I have been afraid of in my life, and in the past there were times when I simple did nothing rather than face my fear. I would reflect back but then I would get into the only if syndrome. As i look back there never has been anything that I have not been able to tackle , however I need to always keep in mind Just Do It (Nike) because it is when my fear keeps me immobile that FEAR WINS, I am fighting the was one day at a time. Find what it is that will force our hand, in my case it was originally pride because I wouldn't admit fear, but there are other triggers as well, find them and the battles will decrease in number. Fear needs to be the loser for us to fulfill our potentials Just a simple thought for a September Day, another Winter is coming and I need to be ready |
Monday, August 29, 2011
Body Surfing, Ice Skating and Minature Golf
I shared each of these activities with my Grandsons Collin and Brenden last week. Making memories for them and me. I completely understand that the time will be here soon enough when I will not be able to do these things with them. It is a shame that we cannot be young with our Grandchildren, it would be so much fun. Aging is a fact of life and while I embrace the changes it brings, I do on occasion mourn the loss of being more flexible, faster and so on. I have just a few thoughts on the each of these and I DID indeed have fun and I hope in their later years the boys will remember Grandma sharing the days with them.
I had not really ever body surfed until I was of an adult age, because I grew up on an inland lake and had never seen an ocean. I had however done a lot of water skiing and other water sports and am an accomplished swimmer. There is thrill involved that I certainly understand, I will never feel the thrill of a real surfer, but I get the idea. Diving into the wave and allowing it to propel you is awesome all the while knowing that you cannot control that wave. Collin is fearless trying to keep up with his brother, and I have to admit seeing his little being out there prompted me to get in and stay in the water. This brings a feeling of freedom and joy that is impossible to describe.
Growing up on a lake in Wisconsin, ice skating occurred on the frozen lake. I think I was about four or five when I first skated, about the same age the boys started playing hockey. I did not skate too long, for the simple reason that the rink was crowded with a lots of very small children, first time skaters, and while I quickly got my skating legs back, I had zero desire to even imagine what it would be like getting up if I fell over one of them.. I proved to Brenden that I could do it, and perhaps on another trip I will try again. I loved skating both ice and roller and spent a good part of my youth in these activities. The thrill of skating for me is mastering the balance required to move on the implements on my feet, this is more of a control thing than the surfing. Either way it is fun and gives one a sense of accomplishment.
Mini golf used to be for dates, now I have made it an activity for the boys. We have a ball and in this game we equal out. Each of us has a few great holes and a few not so great ones. But we share, laugh and just enjoy.
The memories we make and made are priceless and I truly hope and pray I never miss an opportunity or fail to try one because I am afraid of looking foolish, or anything else. I plan to keep on as long as I can swim, swing and glide.
Monday, May 23, 2011
Forgiveness? What is in it for me?
Well, the Rapture did not occur this past weekend. Perhaps the lunar calendar is off, but personally I think that HE will not announce to anyone when the Time will come.
That being said, I already know that it is out of my control. Therefore I will put it away along with all of the other things I already do leave to God.
The sermon yesterday, really made me think about forgiveness. The concept is not hard to understand, however it is definitely easier said than done. I know that there are still some people that I have not really forgiven, for what I considered acts of unkindness, or whatever term you might apply personally.
Why do I hang on to these negative thoughts and bitterness? I do not have a clue and that is what I am working on now, giving them up.
Why this thought? Bishop Neddi made a great point, what is the benefit to me by continuing to harbor these resentments?
NOT ONE THING, and those people I harbor the feelings about? They certainly do not care and they are not one bit affected by what I think, feel or do. I suppose if I were to act out one beating someone or something else overt, there just might be a reaction. But I so do suspect that mostly they would feign surprise, and wonder what was that about.
The point is that I am wasting time with negativity, it is not good for my soul and I will be praying again and again to have help in letting go. I hope that in His patience God will eventually grant me the peace of mind to completely let go. This stubborn human free will thing is unfortunately alive and well in me. Pray for me.
Trusting God is what this is all about
That being said, I already know that it is out of my control. Therefore I will put it away along with all of the other things I already do leave to God.
The sermon yesterday, really made me think about forgiveness. The concept is not hard to understand, however it is definitely easier said than done. I know that there are still some people that I have not really forgiven, for what I considered acts of unkindness, or whatever term you might apply personally.
Why do I hang on to these negative thoughts and bitterness? I do not have a clue and that is what I am working on now, giving them up.
Why this thought? Bishop Neddi made a great point, what is the benefit to me by continuing to harbor these resentments?
NOT ONE THING, and those people I harbor the feelings about? They certainly do not care and they are not one bit affected by what I think, feel or do. I suppose if I were to act out one beating someone or something else overt, there just might be a reaction. But I so do suspect that mostly they would feign surprise, and wonder what was that about.
The point is that I am wasting time with negativity, it is not good for my soul and I will be praying again and again to have help in letting go. I hope that in His patience God will eventually grant me the peace of mind to completely let go. This stubborn human free will thing is unfortunately alive and well in me. Pray for me.
Trusting God is what this is all about
Sunday, March 27, 2011
My Life's Investments, Gregg and Jason
The best accomplishment in my life is my children.
They are truly accomplishments. They are not rich, fameous rather they are increbible friends, honroable men and fiercely loyal to thier own bleiefs. Gregg is a teriffic Dad and both have become thier own men in thier own ways.
These two men are vastly different in thier lives in an outward manner. They live thousands of miles apart and lead totally different life styles. Yet they share a fierce love and loyalty for each other and share that loyalty for friends and family.
TO say I am proud of them is a gross understatement. I was never a paragon of ideal parent. I struggled with my own personal demons for years as a single parent, yet thought the Grace of God and the prayers of many people known and unknown kept us together and from any major disasters.
I do know that my love for them never wavered, nor did my belief it their ability to be first class people.
They value friendship and this is demonstrated by the long term friends they have, when I lost a friend of 50 + years , I realized they are both on their way to this kind of relationships. I did not teach them this, but they both seem to understand the value of people.
They are caring and kind. They will both think this is sappy but perhaps secretly think it is sort of OK, but I am proud of them and feel that they make a difference in our world in a positive way, a little bit each and every day.
I am Blessed and they are indeed my best work.
I will write later about my amazing Step Children, I am equally proud of them, thier Mom as a single Mom has done an amazing job as well.
single Moms have a tough road to navigate, but many of us guided by God suceed beyond our dreams. God is there each and every day, we need only to listen,
More on the this later
They are truly accomplishments. They are not rich, fameous rather they are increbible friends, honroable men and fiercely loyal to thier own bleiefs. Gregg is a teriffic Dad and both have become thier own men in thier own ways.
These two men are vastly different in thier lives in an outward manner. They live thousands of miles apart and lead totally different life styles. Yet they share a fierce love and loyalty for each other and share that loyalty for friends and family.
TO say I am proud of them is a gross understatement. I was never a paragon of ideal parent. I struggled with my own personal demons for years as a single parent, yet thought the Grace of God and the prayers of many people known and unknown kept us together and from any major disasters.
I do know that my love for them never wavered, nor did my belief it their ability to be first class people.
They value friendship and this is demonstrated by the long term friends they have, when I lost a friend of 50 + years , I realized they are both on their way to this kind of relationships. I did not teach them this, but they both seem to understand the value of people.
They are caring and kind. They will both think this is sappy but perhaps secretly think it is sort of OK, but I am proud of them and feel that they make a difference in our world in a positive way, a little bit each and every day.
I am Blessed and they are indeed my best work.
I will write later about my amazing Step Children, I am equally proud of them, thier Mom as a single Mom has done an amazing job as well.
single Moms have a tough road to navigate, but many of us guided by God suceed beyond our dreams. God is there each and every day, we need only to listen,
More on the this later
Returning to Trust ( Nouwen)
Returning to Trust
In my own life I well know how hard it is for me to trust that I am loved, and to trust that the intimacy I most crave is there for me. I most often live as if I have to earn love, do something noteworthy, and then perhaps I might get something in return. This attitude touches the whole question of what is called in the spiritual life, the "first love." Do I really believe that I am loved first, independent of what I do or what I accomplish? This is an important question because as long as I think that what I most need I have to earn, deserve and collect by hard work, I will never get what I most need and desire, which is a love that cannot be earned, but that is freely given. Thus, my return is my willingness to renounce such thoughts and to choose to live more and more from my true identity as a cherished child of God.
This struck a definite cord within me and I willcomment on this topic later this week. Feeling loved and undeersanding that weare loved is a complicated human thing. God does love us unconditionally but accepting ourselves as loveable is a true challenge.
I shall come back to this later this week, but wanted to think this over before furher dialog.
This struck a definite cord within me and I willcomment on this topic later this week. Feeling loved and undeersanding that weare loved is a complicated human thing. God does love us unconditionally but accepting ourselves as loveable is a true challenge.
I shall come back to this later this week, but wanted to think this over before furher dialog.
Saturday, March 26, 2011
Change, an Invitation to Life: Final Sermon and Challenge to Trinity Episcopal Ch...
Change, an Invitation to Life: Final Sermon and Challenge to Trinity Episcopal Ch...: "Epiphany 7, Feb. 20, 2011No Love, No Nothing O Lord, you have taught us that without love whatever we do is worth nothing: Send your Holy Sp..."
Friday, March 25, 2011
Question is there such a thing as failure?
I spent part of this afternoon thinking about someone who told me this week that they think they are a complete failure. I certainly had to disagree, but I patiently and thoughtfully listened. I did not really comment, but did question. What we both learned is that much of what she defines as failure is really expectations that others seem to have set for her. She is journaling today to define goals, hers alone. this requires some work.
Now just thinking can anyone really fail? I have my opinions but would like yours.
Now just thinking can anyone really fail? I have my opinions but would like yours.
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Winter wears many faces, as do we all
I just spent nearly three weeks traveling. Only from Ohio to Minnesota at the farthest but the diversity of the land, weather and people I encountered is amazing.
I saw:
snow banks taller than single story houses.
a village of ice houses and trucks on a lake
a full size hockey rink on a lake, complete with bonfire area
deer eating bark from trees
an eagle soaring high in the sky
hawks waiting for their prey
squirrels eating and drinking from a heated bird bath
birds splashing in the heated bird bath with 6 inches of snow on the rail it sits on
people in long trains of snowmobiles
people shoveling, plowing, blowing snow
people walking their dogs in the snow, like it was a spring day in the South
the might Mississippi frozen solid, just waiting for the thaw to spew millions of gallons of flood waters
along its course
trees beginning to bud here in Ohio
people from all over the world, representing so many races and nationalities I cannot count them
This is just a small part of our world and it is as full of wonder for me as it was when I was a child,
What are their stories? What are they doing, where are they going?
My imagination has been spinning and now Lent has begun and we are reminded to remember the commonalities of our world, creation and frailties.
I have much to think about and much to remember
I saw:
snow banks taller than single story houses.
a village of ice houses and trucks on a lake
a full size hockey rink on a lake, complete with bonfire area
deer eating bark from trees
an eagle soaring high in the sky
hawks waiting for their prey
squirrels eating and drinking from a heated bird bath
birds splashing in the heated bird bath with 6 inches of snow on the rail it sits on
people in long trains of snowmobiles
people shoveling, plowing, blowing snow
people walking their dogs in the snow, like it was a spring day in the South
the might Mississippi frozen solid, just waiting for the thaw to spew millions of gallons of flood waters
along its course
trees beginning to bud here in Ohio
people from all over the world, representing so many races and nationalities I cannot count them
This is just a small part of our world and it is as full of wonder for me as it was when I was a child,
What are their stories? What are they doing, where are they going?
My imagination has been spinning and now Lent has begun and we are reminded to remember the commonalities of our world, creation and frailties.
I have much to think about and much to remember
Monday, February 14, 2011
Furry Friends and such
Friendship is indeed a treasure. I view it as a gift from God. Friends offer love without an expectation of a payback. It does not mean they do not expect to be treated in a certain way, like with respect, care and trust. It does mean that you do things for them and they do things for you without an "I O U".
The other type of friends we have are our four legged friends, and the same conditions exist. My pets keep me warm at night, they also have been known to hog the bed. Cork will run to the bed if I say nap. As far as I know to him this means he will cuddle up with me, get his head and belly rubbed and will then sleep. Pets sleep a lot and it is our job to provide them with a comfortable place to sleep that is safe. The cat has a bed in the closet, where she is free from the doggies and has absolute domain, of course as the cat she pretty much does whatever she wishes anyway. She will walk across the sofa, my lap and whatever or whoever is in that space and leap on Stan's lap. She will grace him with her presence for varied amounts of time. If the mood strikes her, she will head butt me to scratch her head and will hiss at the dogs from time to time just to let them know that they are not on her approved list.
I do know that when I am sad a furry creature can snap me out of it, the trusting look and wagging tail just ooze happiness and caring. As I am writing this one dog is at my feet, snoring like a chain saw and the other is behind my chair sleeping as well. The queen cat is perched on the sofa back and all is well with my world
The furry creatures bring happiness, love trust and a sense of calm to my soul.
I have been blessed.
The other type of friends we have are our four legged friends, and the same conditions exist. My pets keep me warm at night, they also have been known to hog the bed. Cork will run to the bed if I say nap. As far as I know to him this means he will cuddle up with me, get his head and belly rubbed and will then sleep. Pets sleep a lot and it is our job to provide them with a comfortable place to sleep that is safe. The cat has a bed in the closet, where she is free from the doggies and has absolute domain, of course as the cat she pretty much does whatever she wishes anyway. She will walk across the sofa, my lap and whatever or whoever is in that space and leap on Stan's lap. She will grace him with her presence for varied amounts of time. If the mood strikes her, she will head butt me to scratch her head and will hiss at the dogs from time to time just to let them know that they are not on her approved list.
I do know that when I am sad a furry creature can snap me out of it, the trusting look and wagging tail just ooze happiness and caring. As I am writing this one dog is at my feet, snoring like a chain saw and the other is behind my chair sleeping as well. The queen cat is perched on the sofa back and all is well with my world
The furry creatures bring happiness, love trust and a sense of calm to my soul.
I have been blessed.
Saturday, February 5, 2011
Memories of a Time Past
The unexpected death of another old friend took me back to my seventeenth summer. The times were different then but the thoughts of him and those I remember around us are more than happy memories. Memories of a promise of what life could bring and a sweet innocent belief in life and people. We spent many days that summer splashing around like young otters at the sand pit in Oshkosh or the forbidden quarry. Playing games and having fun, boys and girls on the brink of adulthood but not there. This was the summer of my first real glimpse of love, I remember that boy pulling me under the water, splashing me and eventually kissing me. It was tentative and sweet. I can vividly recall those thick wonderful eyelashes, and the eyes of an unfathomable color, looking so intently into my eyes. I learned that it can feel like someone is looking into you soul and can burn a spot on your heart. That tender and loving look remains in my memory bank, not a memory of longing, regret or anything more than a happy and wonderful memory of a first love.
I can almost feel the warmth of that summer sun, and that boy/man will forever remain in my heart as one who did teach me to love. It was a part of who I am now, a wonderful part that can still bring a smile and warmth even all these years later. We were so innocent then, this boy went on to the Marines, became a father and husband and died all to soon, but he did bring joy, love and hope to many in his short life, and this includes me.
Now the death of another of that group saddens me but he too brought joy and love to many and will never die in our hearts or memories.
I can almost feel the warmth of that summer sun, and that boy/man will forever remain in my heart as one who did teach me to love. It was a part of who I am now, a wonderful part that can still bring a smile and warmth even all these years later. We were so innocent then, this boy went on to the Marines, became a father and husband and died all to soon, but he did bring joy, love and hope to many in his short life, and this includes me.
Now the death of another of that group saddens me but he too brought joy and love to many and will never die in our hearts or memories.
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
Winter Beautiful or Not
I awakened today to sheets of ice everywhere, of course I was not alone. This whole part of Ohio is coated with ice, It is beautiful, the shapes and shimmering icicles on the the trees are marvels of nature and fascinate me. I walked gingerly with the dogs this afternoon and realized the beauty is dangerous. The shimmering sheets of ice are of course slippery and two frisky dogs constitutes a hazard of its own. The ice slowed them down to a manageable pace but continues to fascinate me.
Watching them choose their steps and look suspiciously at the snow/ice or snice and back up when they sink or it cracks under their weight. I learned that the heel first worked well to plant myself firmly on the earth in an upright position. This how I wished to remain, I watched a few people doing the sprawl form my window earlier. This does not look like fun.
The truth of the matter is that 30 years ago I would have been out with my camera and now I am concerned with things like broken legs and or hips. Change and age have forced me to consider a safer route.
So for now I will be content to sit out this winter storm with only one photo that I liked and drink my tea and play with the dogs inside
The luxury of having the time to contemplate this is a gift and I know I am Blessed.
Watching them choose their steps and look suspiciously at the snow/ice or snice and back up when they sink or it cracks under their weight. I learned that the heel first worked well to plant myself firmly on the earth in an upright position. This how I wished to remain, I watched a few people doing the sprawl form my window earlier. This does not look like fun.
The truth of the matter is that 30 years ago I would have been out with my camera and now I am concerned with things like broken legs and or hips. Change and age have forced me to consider a safer route.
So for now I will be content to sit out this winter storm with only one photo that I liked and drink my tea and play with the dogs inside
The luxury of having the time to contemplate this is a gift and I know I am Blessed.
Friday, January 28, 2011
New Adventure/Possibilities
I have always viewed life as an adventure. I love stories and probably should write some of them down, we used to make up stories when we traveled. We would be driving through Chicago on our way to Detroit and we found the tall buildings, closely spaced homes fascinating. We lived in farming country so this was definitely foreign to us. Some of our stories were affected by what we saw on TV, but mostly it was our imaginations.
My imagination is still active and this is a great and wonderful thing. It keeps me optimistic and filled with possibilities.
I have some time off from work, a prelude to actual retirement. I am still not quite ready to not work but I need a break. I have had a job of some sort since 1962, no that is not a typo, 1962. It am looking forward to some time with my Mother and nieces as well as my Mother-in-law and then we shall see .
Possibilities, there are so many will I teach? what will I do. I have skills I have not even developed and may not even know about, This is why imagination is so important, it give us possibilities.
Now for today, I am sitting here, watching the Ohio permanently grey winter sky, snow covered ground and thinking. I am showered and dressed, too many years of early rising and getting out of the house to still be in robe and slippers. (OK in my case sweats and slippers) but the idea is still the same.
Reading the paper and sipping on coffee was however a treat. I hope I can always appreciate this type of moment, it is not a part of life for many and deserves to be appreciated. I am off to read for awhile .
so the new adventure begins
My imagination is still active and this is a great and wonderful thing. It keeps me optimistic and filled with possibilities.
I have some time off from work, a prelude to actual retirement. I am still not quite ready to not work but I need a break. I have had a job of some sort since 1962, no that is not a typo, 1962. It am looking forward to some time with my Mother and nieces as well as my Mother-in-law and then we shall see .
Possibilities, there are so many will I teach? what will I do. I have skills I have not even developed and may not even know about, This is why imagination is so important, it give us possibilities.
Now for today, I am sitting here, watching the Ohio permanently grey winter sky, snow covered ground and thinking. I am showered and dressed, too many years of early rising and getting out of the house to still be in robe and slippers. (OK in my case sweats and slippers) but the idea is still the same.
Reading the paper and sipping on coffee was however a treat. I hope I can always appreciate this type of moment, it is not a part of life for many and deserves to be appreciated. I am off to read for awhile .
so the new adventure begins
Sunday, January 16, 2011
The Winter of LIfe is NOT for Sissy's: On Losing a Friend, the comfort of Faith
The Winter of LIfe is NOT for Sissy's: On Losing a Friend, the comfort of Faith: "Jesus said to her, 'I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in me will live, even though he dies; (26 )and whoever lives and bel..."
On Losing a Friend, the comfort of Faith
Jesus said to her, "I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in me will live, even though he dies; (26 )and whoever lives and believes in me will never die. Do you believe this?"" John 11 25-
One of the very worst things about life is losing people that have touched you, made a difference in your life and in general had influence on shaping who you are.
One of the very worst things about life is losing people that have touched you, made a difference in your life and in general had influence on shaping who you are.
I have a deep abiding faith that Judy lived and died as God intended, her life ended unexpectedly and left a void for those left behind but she she left her heart and soul in all of us that knew and loved her.
We shared the bloom of our teenage years, first loves and the mysteries of life that only young girls can find to talk about. We were raised in a different time and place that would seem strange and almost alien to the young women of today, yet our hopes for life were no different then than they are in the young now. We were excited to be alive, had no fear and no concept of mortality. We dreamed of our futures never thinking that we would really go far from the lake we loved. She moved and stayed in Iowa, in a small town I have never seen and yet know about. I told her of my adventures as we moved from place to place. I think that on occasion we envied each other. I don't know anyone that I know that I haven't thought about what would it be like to be him or her. Just fleeting thoughts because we were both Blessed to have good lives and wonderful friends and families. We have had the opportunity to raise our boys, (interesting fact we both thought when we were teenagers we wanted at least 5 or 6 kids and certainly girls) well , we each had two boys and got our girls as daughters in law.
Judy touched many people, more than I shall ever know. I know she will live on in her children, grandchildren and all those she knew and loved.
"Brothers, we do not want you to be ignorant about those who fall asleep, or to grieve like the rest of men, who have no hope. We believe that Jesus died and rose again and so we believe that God will bring with Jesus those who have fallen asleep in him."
1 Thessalonians 4 13-14
"Brothers, we do not want you to be ignorant about those who fall asleep, or to grieve like the rest of men, who have no hope. We believe that Jesus died and rose again and so we believe that God will bring with Jesus those who have fallen asleep in him."
1 Thessalonians 4 13-14
Judy Kay Klemp Davis 1946-2011 An Unknown Hero
by Chris Rosenthal on Sunday, January 16, 2011 at 1:07
Judy, Albert and Chris in Butte des Morts, WI
I have known Judy for nearly as long as I have been alive. I have been Blessed in the recent years to have had many opportunities to talk and laugh with her, share silly e-mails and renew a bond that went back before these photos.
Judy was my first friend, we drifted apart over the years as people do, but when we did talk that old bond was just as strong as ever. We both love our boys with a fierceness that is rivaled in the wild, we share a strong belief in God. My first church memories were shared with her in Winneconne, trying to be quite and not get her Mothers attention.
There are many memories and they are strong, but Judy was my hero for the strong woman she was. She grew up with a disease that in our time was snickered at, and people whipsered the word epilepsey. She was determened to be like everyone esle and she did just that, married, had her wonderful boys and now daughters-in-law that she loves deeply and her Blessed Grandchildren. She had her career and life and never lost her love for the water.
The water was source wonder and enchantment for us. We would sit in the boathouse and watch the storms come across Lake Butte des Morts, we ice skated on the frozen water, we floated in the row boat and talked of our dreams for life. We solved a lot of the worlds problems on that lake, in our boat and in the back yard tent where we held sleep overs. We even caught and cooked fish over an open fire pretending to pioneers or something we dreamed up. We loved our roses and would play with petals for hours, I know neither of us has ever love our love for the roses or the water.
Judy met her future husband John in my back yard, I remember her telling me she was going to marry him, probably long before John thought of it. Good thing he got the idea.
I am glad I made that call just days before she was stricken, I will always feel a sense of loss, she was one of those people that leave handprints on the heart and I am certain I am only one of countless others that she touched
May she rest in peace and now Walk with God at home. You will be missed, your time with us was too short.
For today that is all I have to say.
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
It is What it Is, Until you dedice to change it.
This milestone Birthday is on my mind more than I would like. I was asked yesterday (after being emotional, discussing retirement) if I really wanted to retire next year. That really has never been a question in my mind.
I want to do some different things. I have never chosen an easy job, and some challenges were more than difficult. The point is I have been successful, I have made a difference and I have given it my best. Now, there are some that would not see it that way, but I sleep well knowing that I have done my best.
I am emotional about this, change, the effects of aging are not to be escaped, (I will fight that) but it is frightening, as well as the challenge of choosing well. I have not had enough time for charity work (Habitat for Humanity, cancer concerns and my own church work) I have just not been overly involved.
This time of life is very much like the 18 year milestone, I get to choose what to do with the rest of my life and want it to be right. I have experience now to guide my decisions, but do I have enough wisdom?
Questions, questions, questions? I have touched people in my nursing career and want to continue making a difference no matter how minute.
. I do fear being put out to pasture as happened to a peer. She was put in what we called a mercy job until she decided to retire. It was embarrassing for her and others, those that did it were not smart enough to get their error.
This past year I have faced some very difficult professional challenges, I have been very transparent about what I needed to do better, admitted errors and learned from the information I gathered. There is a great deal of negativity surrounding these events, but even acknowledging the existence is a waste of my energy. I am moving on and in the tradition of my Mother-in -Law keeping my glass half full.
I do know that I want to remian in Ohio for now, my life was shaped here and there are so many opportunities. I need to decide what will work best, stay of go, Try or move on.
no matter what, I am giving it my best shot.
I want to do some different things. I have never chosen an easy job, and some challenges were more than difficult. The point is I have been successful, I have made a difference and I have given it my best. Now, there are some that would not see it that way, but I sleep well knowing that I have done my best.
I am emotional about this, change, the effects of aging are not to be escaped, (I will fight that) but it is frightening, as well as the challenge of choosing well. I have not had enough time for charity work (Habitat for Humanity, cancer concerns and my own church work) I have just not been overly involved.
This time of life is very much like the 18 year milestone, I get to choose what to do with the rest of my life and want it to be right. I have experience now to guide my decisions, but do I have enough wisdom?
Questions, questions, questions? I have touched people in my nursing career and want to continue making a difference no matter how minute.
. I do fear being put out to pasture as happened to a peer. She was put in what we called a mercy job until she decided to retire. It was embarrassing for her and others, those that did it were not smart enough to get their error.
This past year I have faced some very difficult professional challenges, I have been very transparent about what I needed to do better, admitted errors and learned from the information I gathered. There is a great deal of negativity surrounding these events, but even acknowledging the existence is a waste of my energy. I am moving on and in the tradition of my Mother-in -Law keeping my glass half full.
I do know that I want to remian in Ohio for now, my life was shaped here and there are so many opportunities. I need to decide what will work best, stay of go, Try or move on.
no matter what, I am giving it my best shot.
Saturday, January 1, 2011
On A Milestone Birthday in a New Year
2011 is the year those of us classified as the first Baby Boomers turn 65, and as the world is are some of the first that cannot actually retire with full Social Security Benefits. Just a simple fact.
Life seems to be lived in many cases in segments related to Birthdays. There is the First Birthday which for any parent is a huge milestone.
I have seen photos of my own first birthday, there was the cake that I put my fist firmly into and then daintily ate from my own hand. This information from my Mom. That photo has been long gone and the next photo if from my 4th or 5th Birthday because Jeff Harper is in that photo along with Holly his younger sister, we were in Wisconsin and this party looks like it was great fun for all. I have this photo. After that I do not have any Birthday photos nor do I remember any particular parties, I am not saying that my birthday was not celebrated, we just did not do parties in the same way they are done in this century.
My next Birthday of note was the 16th, because then I could finally legally drive a car, after passing the drivers test of course. I had learned to drive long before this, tractors, the old Forty nine Chevy, black four door and it came with a key ring that says "see the USA in your Chevrolet" I still have that key ring. I loved that car, it was my Grandpa's car.
Then came 18, in Wisconsin it meant you could legally drink in 'Beer Bars", and vote. I worked for the young Republicans that year as a Goldwater Girl, and fell in love with Rick. I graduated from high school, and decided to attend college at Wisconsin State University, Oshkosh. I did this in lieu of going elsewhere because I was in love.
This choice became one of those decisions that was to be significant, in how my life grew and developed. Before the next significant birthday I met Ken, and not long after my 21st Birthday we were married in Oshkosh, Wisconsin. The next years took us to Fort Huachuca, AZ. Gregg was born there and we couldn't have been happier.
We ended in Dayton Ohio in the 70's and welcomed Jason . By the end of the decade we were settled in our first home and living the suburban life.
I passed the 30 year mark contemplating going to nursing school, and in fact did do that. I went to Sinclair Community College, and soon after finished a BS at Wright State.
The next years brought more changes and choice shaped the destinations my life would take.
I married Stan Rosenthal in1990 and started anther new adventure. Our path would take us to Florida, South Carolina, Mississippi, Alabama and most recently to Ohio.
The details are what they are, we are in Ohio now and where we end up is not decided.
What is a fact is that I will soon turn 65. I approach this age with as much anticipation as I did the earlier major ages I mentioned. This is different, however, it does not mark the age at which I can do something new, rather the age at which I can begin choosing not to do some things, like working full time.
I understand that this age brings what can be termed the beginning of the end--this is not morbid rather a reminder that choices become more important. I could just chose to vegetate and morn my lost youth. I never lost my youth, it is still there active in my brain and thinking therefore I am not really old in my own eyes. I have to say that seeing the reality in the mirror can be a shock but it not a deterrent to continuing to really live and learn.
It would be nice if I could be very profound in my words, but they are not coming. I begin this new era with a determination to keep learning, growing and making a difference. I have a great family, I know that I have touched others in my work and in the world in general. I am determined to be forgiving and continue to teach while I learn.
I want to live a very long time as long as I have my faculties. I want to see how things play out, I have always been curious and I want to see what happens in the world and in my family. My Mother-in-law, Lorraine is my hero. She at 86, lives a full active life and never quits. Her glass is always half or more full and her spirit serves as a role model. She has taken what life has dealt and made lemonade or Manhattans from it.
so here I am at the beginning of the end, but what is it the end of?? The story will continue as we live on. Hopefully retirement will be in the next year or so--but nothing is guaranteed nor planned.
Happy New Year and New Adventures to me and all of my fellow Boomers
Life seems to be lived in many cases in segments related to Birthdays. There is the First Birthday which for any parent is a huge milestone.
I have seen photos of my own first birthday, there was the cake that I put my fist firmly into and then daintily ate from my own hand. This information from my Mom. That photo has been long gone and the next photo if from my 4th or 5th Birthday because Jeff Harper is in that photo along with Holly his younger sister, we were in Wisconsin and this party looks like it was great fun for all. I have this photo. After that I do not have any Birthday photos nor do I remember any particular parties, I am not saying that my birthday was not celebrated, we just did not do parties in the same way they are done in this century.
My next Birthday of note was the 16th, because then I could finally legally drive a car, after passing the drivers test of course. I had learned to drive long before this, tractors, the old Forty nine Chevy, black four door and it came with a key ring that says "see the USA in your Chevrolet" I still have that key ring. I loved that car, it was my Grandpa's car.
Then came 18, in Wisconsin it meant you could legally drink in 'Beer Bars", and vote. I worked for the young Republicans that year as a Goldwater Girl, and fell in love with Rick. I graduated from high school, and decided to attend college at Wisconsin State University, Oshkosh. I did this in lieu of going elsewhere because I was in love.
This choice became one of those decisions that was to be significant, in how my life grew and developed. Before the next significant birthday I met Ken, and not long after my 21st Birthday we were married in Oshkosh, Wisconsin. The next years took us to Fort Huachuca, AZ. Gregg was born there and we couldn't have been happier.
We ended in Dayton Ohio in the 70's and welcomed Jason . By the end of the decade we were settled in our first home and living the suburban life.
I passed the 30 year mark contemplating going to nursing school, and in fact did do that. I went to Sinclair Community College, and soon after finished a BS at Wright State.
The next years brought more changes and choice shaped the destinations my life would take.
I married Stan Rosenthal in1990 and started anther new adventure. Our path would take us to Florida, South Carolina, Mississippi, Alabama and most recently to Ohio.
The details are what they are, we are in Ohio now and where we end up is not decided.
What is a fact is that I will soon turn 65. I approach this age with as much anticipation as I did the earlier major ages I mentioned. This is different, however, it does not mark the age at which I can do something new, rather the age at which I can begin choosing not to do some things, like working full time.
I understand that this age brings what can be termed the beginning of the end--this is not morbid rather a reminder that choices become more important. I could just chose to vegetate and morn my lost youth. I never lost my youth, it is still there active in my brain and thinking therefore I am not really old in my own eyes. I have to say that seeing the reality in the mirror can be a shock but it not a deterrent to continuing to really live and learn.
It would be nice if I could be very profound in my words, but they are not coming. I begin this new era with a determination to keep learning, growing and making a difference. I have a great family, I know that I have touched others in my work and in the world in general. I am determined to be forgiving and continue to teach while I learn.
I want to live a very long time as long as I have my faculties. I want to see how things play out, I have always been curious and I want to see what happens in the world and in my family. My Mother-in-law, Lorraine is my hero. She at 86, lives a full active life and never quits. Her glass is always half or more full and her spirit serves as a role model. She has taken what life has dealt and made lemonade or Manhattans from it.
so here I am at the beginning of the end, but what is it the end of?? The story will continue as we live on. Hopefully retirement will be in the next year or so--but nothing is guaranteed nor planned.
Happy New Year and New Adventures to me and all of my fellow Boomers
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